Database compiled by Phillip J. Murphy, University of Leeds

This gazetteer contains a summary of information about caves in the Yorkshire Dales from which vertebrate remains have been recorded in the caving literature and other non-academic sources. It was first published in the now defunct on line journal CAPRA (Cave Archaeology and Palaeontology Research Archive) in 2002 with revision in 2004. An updated version was published by the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society in 2011 with further updates following in 2013 and 2014. This version has been fully revised and updated. The area covered is that of the three current volumes of the Northern Caves guide book series (Brook, et al. 1988, Brook et al. 1991 and Brook et al. 1994) excluding the North York Moors and Magnesian limestone caves. Hominid bearing caves are listed here by A.T.Chamberlain and non-human remains in the archaeological literature were also listed, by Chamberlain (2002), in CAPRA. Some overlap is unavoidable with sites such as North End Pot where finds were recorded in both caving and archaeological literature. Several sites included in this list have produced human remains.

Caving clubs have a long history of recording their exploits in club journals. These can have irregular publication dates and small print runs but all the references listed here should be available from the British Caving Library. References are also taken from Descent magazine (ISSN 00-46-0036) Wild Places Publishing, BCRA publications and the Cave Diving Group Newsletter (ISSN 1353-713X). Some sites may be referenced only from the Northern Caves guides although further work on identifying the remains has taken place. All text in quotation marks is taken directly from the original references. The species present at each site are given in the form used in the original references. This fully updated gazetteer was compiled by P.J. Murphy in 2014 and is now hosted by courtesy of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society. To find information about a particular site, click on its name in the list below. The following categories of information are listed for each entry:

Site: The topographical name of the site, as given in the published literature. Alternative names are given in parentheses.

NGR: The National Grid Reference, consisting of two letters indicating the 100 km square followed by the six-figure or eight-figure grid co-ordinates, when known.

BONES: The species present at each site are given in the form used in the original references.

POSITION IN CAVE: An indication of where the material was originally found.

IDENTIFICATION: The person who made a formal identification of the species present, if known.

LOCATION OF FINDS: The current or last known locations of all finds from the site.

NOTES: Additional information.

REFERENCES: A list of the primary published caving club literature for each site is given.

It is hoped that we can actively keep the information both accurate and up to date. If you know of any data that is missing or out of date, please contact either the compiler, Dr. P.J. Murphy or the editor Graham Mullan. For technical problems, broken links etc. please contact the editor..

Alphabetical List of Cave Sites

Updated May 2020

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