Rawthey Cave, Wild Boar Fell

NGR: SD 718 973

BONES: Red deer, roe deer, wolf, cattle, sheep, domestic pig, dog, human.

POSITION IN CAVE: On the floor of the Wolf Den.

IDENTIFICATION: A. Chamberlain, University of Sheffield.


NOTES: Radiocarbon dates on roe deer bones give a late Medieval date. A piece of human skull was radiocarbon dated to 3167 ± 55 bp (AA22519), corresponding to a calibrated date of between 1500 and 1400 BC. Another human skull fragment was subsequently radiocarbon dated to 1865 ± 40 bp (OxA-7450) which places this particular find firmly in the Romano-British period.


Goddard, A. (1998) Into the Wolf Den. Descent. 142: 20-23.

Hedges, R.E.M. et al. (1998) Radiocarbon dates from the oxford AMS system: Archaeometry datelist 26. Archaeometry 40: 437-455.

Monico, P. (1997a) Divers find Bronze Age remains. Descent 137: 10.

Monico, P. (1997b) Update on Bronze Age finds. Descent 138: 12.

Murphy, P.J. (2008) The Wolf Den 10 years on. Descent 203: 32-33.

Murphy, P.J. (2009) The Wolf Den 10 years on. Yorkshire Archaeological Society Prehistory Section Bulletin 46: 64-66.

Richards, J.D. (1999) The Wolf Den. in Richards, J.D. (ed). Meet The Ancestors. Unearthing the evidence that brings us face to face with the past. BBC Worldwide Ltd. 108-29.

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